Unit 207 Understand Person Centred Approaches
Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support.
1.1 Define Person centred values.
Person centred values means the people whom we support are treated as equals and are involved in all aspects and areas of their care and that they are respected and valued as individuals. This means being involved in their assessments, care delivery and support planning, basically person centred values is making sure all approaches, policies and procedures and care practices put the residents at the centre of the day-to-day activities. It should also include the residents and their families in the planning and maintaining of this.
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Good communication skills and active listening plays a key role when gaining consent, by listening and treating an individual with respect you gain their trust and this is a way of gaining consent. By openly talking to the individuals in your care and being honest with them they are more likely to trust you.
3.4 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be established.
If consent cannot be established then you have a legal requirement to act in the best interest of the individual, to work towards solving conflict, with the use of extra support of advocates if necessary and where need to contact the person with whom has legal responsibility. All this must be recorded.
Outcome 4 Understand how to encourage active participation.
4.1 Define what is meant by active participation.
Active participation is an approach that recognizes all individuals rights and needs to participate in activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible, making sure the individual is actively part of their own care or support rather then a passive recipient.
4.2 Describe how active participation benefits an individual.
Active participation empowers and encourages and individual to participate in their own care, it gives them the chance to be included in their care and have a greater say in how they live their lives. Active participation has many positive benefits such as:
Physical benefits including greater activity