Unit 302 Schools and Organisations

4706 words 19 pages
Schools and Organisations

Assignment 302
Mrs D M Brunsdon

December 2012
Outcome 1: * Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education
1.1 summaries entitlement and provision for early year’s education
In the UK all children aged between 3 and 4 years have the right to receive the minimum of 15 hours education which can be used between 3 and 5 days per week. There are many ways that this can be provided. * Nursery schools
These are stand alone schools for children ages 3 to 4 years old. Some have their own head teacher and trained nursery staff, and may be state funded; however there are also privately run nursery schools. * Nursery classes
These are attached to a primary school and
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LEA governors:
These are appointed by the local education authority (LEA). Members of the public can apply to be considered for this role.

Foundation governors Are appointed at Church schools only by the local Church or diocese.
Staff governors:
These are elected by staff at the school and may be drawn from both teaching and non-teaching staff.
The Head Teacher /Principal
The Principal will be automatically be on the board of governors, The Principal is part of the governors and not the chair. All major decisions of the principal have to be cleared by the chair of governors. The school Principal serves as the educational leader, responsible for managing the school and promoting high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behaviour. The Principal takes guidance from the board of governors regarding policies, regulations, and procedures, keeps the staff informed and seeks ideas for the improvement of the school. Conduct meetings, as necessary, for the proper functioning of the school:
Senior Management Team
Also known as SMT or Senior Leadership Team (SLT).They will work alongside the head/principal and they also have responsibility for particular areas of the school curriculum. They are also expected to attend whole school functions, organise programmes for inspectors and other visitors and to represent the public face of the school.



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