Week1 Assignment

921 words 4 pages
Visit the websites for the Institute of Internal Auditor and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: http://www.theiia.org http://www.acfe.com
In particular, read the code of ethics for both organizations at: http://www.theiia.org/guidance/additional-resources/ippf-processes/ http://www.acfe.com/about/cfe-rules.asp?copy=ethics
1. How do the codes complement each other?
2. Provide three other notable points of information from each site that either you learned for the first time or have found useful in your current work role.
3. Lastly, both organizations have standards. Why are standards important in these fields?
Write-up your comments in a Word document, and submit it in the Week 1 Assignment Dropbox.
1. How do the codes
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Its means that they a really easy website that would fit everybody to take the preparation they need.
The IIA provides internal audit professionals worldwide with authoritative guidance organized in the IPPF (International Professional Practices Framework) as mandatory guidance and strongly recommended guidance. Sarbanes-Oxley: IIA Resources: The website has this important tool to bring the support you may need Management’s Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: Maximize Value Within Your Organization.
The ACFE's 2014 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse is based on data compiled from a study of 1,483 cases of occupational fraud that occurred between January 2012 and December 2013. All information was provided by the Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) who investigated those cases. The fraud cases in our study came from more than 100 nations — providing a truly global view into the plague of occupational fraud. It is interest that this organization makes great report to the nations.
They have a page in which they show ACFE Staff, ACFE Leadership list, and where I saw the picture of the one from the video in the Lecture in representation of the CFE organization, the chairman.
There is also a career page or section for those interesting in joining the CFE team.
3. Lastly, both organizations have standards. Why are standards important in these fields?
Standards are extremely important in both of these fields, because of the work


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