Week2Assignment 322

2229 words 9 pages
1. What is the probability of rolling a four in the gambling dice game of craps (given two six sided dice)? 3/36 or 8.33%. What is the probability that a player can roll a four 3 times in a row (assume that rolling the dice each time does not affect the outcome of the next roll)? 3/36 x 3/36 x 3/36 = 27/46656 = 3/5184

2. Population A and Population B both have a mean height of 70.0 inches with an SD of 6.0. A random sample of 30 people is picked from population A, and random sample of 50 people is selected from Population B. Which sample mean will probably yield a more accurate estimate of its population mean? Why? Despite, both Population A and Population having a mean height of 70.0 inches with an SD of 6.0, Population B will
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d. The IV is menopausal state (pre vs. post); the DV is attitudes toward menopause. This situation can be appropriate only if the studies were longitudal. However, this situation can also be inappropriate if the study was concurrent.

e. The IV is nap therapy for narcoleptics (same patients before vs. after treatment); the DV is the type of nap they had the following week (had unplanned vs. didn’t have unplanned nap). Inappropriate— DV of had unplanned vs. didn’t have unplanned nap is measured on a nominal scale

8. Suppose we wanted to test the hypothesis that a control group of cancer patients (Group 1) would report higher mean pain ratings than an experimental group receiving special massage treatments (Group 2). Use the following information. Compute a t-statistic for independent groups:

mean group 1 = 78.1 SD21 = 42.1 n1 = 25 mean group 2 = 75.1 SD22 = 39.7 n2= 25

Null: In a control group of cancer patients, there is no difference in mean pain ratings compared to an experimental group receiving special massage treatments

Alternative: In a control group of cancer patients, there is a difference in mean pain ratings compared to an experimental group receiving special massage treatments

Hypothesis test results: μ1 : mean of population 1 μ2 : mean of population 2 μ1 - μ2 : mean difference
H0 : μ1 - μ2 = 0
HA : μ1 - μ2 ≠ 0
(with pooled variances)

A) What are the degrees of freedom and the value of t ? The degree of freedom is 48, and
