What Do the Representations of Cleopatra in Film and on Television (as Shown on the Dvd Video ‘Cleopatra’) Tell Us About How Her Reputation Changed over Time? Discuss with Reference to Two or Three Representations.

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Part 1

What do the representations of Cleopatra in film and on television (as shown on the DVD video ‘Cleopatra’) tell us about how her reputation changed over time? Discuss with reference to two or three representations.

The name Cleopatra invokes a striking image in your mind. The Egyptian queen who took on the might of Rome. The way we see Cleopatra’s character changes in the way she has been depicted in movies and television across the years. With each different portrayal she reflects contemporary issues regarding society, the role of women and the historical knowledge available.
The three representations of Cleopatra I will be looking at are the films from 1917 staring Theda Bara and 1963 starring Elizabeth Taylor and the
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This stimulates the audience into feelings of pity, empathy and compassion towards him despite his actions. In the passage from Doctor Faustus we can see how Marlowe uses language to help portray a tragic character.

The passage starts Mephistopheles is telling us that the old man’s faith is too great and good and he cannot touch his soul (lines 79-81). In contrast to Faustus who seems to accept that it is too late to repent and has accepted his fate as a damned soul. He asks for the likeness of Helen of Troy to be bought forth to distract him.
Faustus in effect seals his fate when he kisses Helen and Marlowe uses the soliloquy to show the flaws in Faustus character. Lines 91 and 92 explain Helen's beauty, enough for a thousand Trojan ships to chase to her rescue. In lines 93 to 95 Faustus seals his fate and Marlowe’s use of language allow the audience to feel pity for Faustus, as he is so enamoured by Helen that he accepts his soul is lost and gives up his chance at repenting, the internal conflict is over. 'Sweet Helen make me immortal with a kiss' (line 93) and 'her lips suck forth my soul' (line 94). Showing a literal meaning as well as an implied one, the kiss confirms the loss of his soul.
Marlowe then goes on to show the audience just how deluded Faustus has become by deliberately choosing an opposite view of the
