Why Was the Weimar Republic in Germany Able to Survive the Crisis Years Between 1919 and 1923 but Not Those Between 1929 and 1933?

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After the First World War ended in 1918, Germany was in a chaos. Although the Allies offered peace, they demanded a democratic government in Germany. The Kaiser abdicated the throne while Ebert formed the Weimar Republic and established the constitution in 1919. However the establishment of this government was unstable with opposition from both left and right wings. Even more, the German Parliament (Reichstag) relied on the cooperation of the coalitions of governments which resulted in political weakness of this new democratic system because these coalitions often broke up. Yet, the Weimar Republic was still able to survive through these years until 1929 as it was relatively stable before the Wall Street Crash. However, the …show more content…

For this reason, Germany was able to survive through the years until 1929.
Yet, the Dawes Plan seemed to be working; it had the potential to ruin Germany. Firstly, Germany became dependant on the US. Then Germany had loans which needed to pay back to the US later. As a result, when Wall Street Crash in 1929, Germany suffered the most. On the other side, Hitler gained popularity from the Munich Putsch in 1923. He widely gained support from his book “My Struggle” during his trial. The death of Stresemann also gave opportunity to the rise of Communist and Nazi in 1929. While the Wall Street Crash acted as a turning point to Hitler’s Nazi and Hitler gained wide support from the Germans. Economic slump doomed the failure of the Republic because Hitler offered targets for the Germans to blame for – Treaty of Versailles and the indecisive government who signed the Treaty. Therefore, early potential weakness and instability from the Weimar Republic coupled with the economic failure in the Wall Street Crash resulted in the overthrown of the Republic in 1933.
In conclusion, early instability of the Republic such as discontent towards the Treaty of Versailles served as a hidden potential to ruin the government. Then economic instability after the Ruhr Crisis which was resolved by the Dawes Plan served as a dangerous potential that could ruin Germany’s economy. Although the Republic was able to survive through these years as the problems of instability were
