bhagavad gita vs. Socrates

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The Dialogues of Self Self: Oh wise Socrates what an honor it is to meet you. I hope you have the time to converse with me. I have read the Bhagavad-Gita and the Dialogues of Plato concerning your trial and death, and have several questions concerning your belief in the immortality of the soul. Socrates: Of course my friend. That is the reason I am here. Self: Excellent. You speak of it being a "noble risk" to believe in the immortality of the soul. That on a basic level I understand. If we die and there is no afterlife, no harm no foul, but if there is an afterlife, it would behoove us to act piously for our eternal soul is at stake. While reading the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna has an ongoing theme of performing ones duties …show more content…

First level of attachment/consciousness is at the doll matter, next is the mind or senses, and then comes intelligent which is an awareness of the faults of the human senses. Then the fourth level is the soul; being freed from the constructs/senses of the human mind/body. When one frees their body, true Self-realization is possible. The idea of detaching one’s self from their human senses is a concept that transcends geography and time. In the Gita working with attachment is a sure fire path to a long cycle of rebirth. Performing work with detachment is to work without goals. Working with intention is blinding to the soul. It is to work to an end, when one works with a goal, attachment is sure to follow. The highest level of enlightenment one can achieve through Krishna consciousness is the Soul, which is a unifying of one’s self with the primordial, ever conscious, infinite Self of the universe, known Krishna, Brahman. In the eternal state we are We as one. Our intellectual quandaries to the universe are answered in full in this transcendental state. The soul gains this infinite knowledge once it transcends the earthly/mortal realm. We do not control our own bodies. We cannot keep ourselves from dyeing. We will age regardless. We must prepare ourselves for the immortality of our souls if we wish to escape the Samsara and transcend to a higher state of consciousness and understanding. With proper sacrifice and detachment of work
