perception on the functionality of the school library
These are similar to what is on ground in Benin City where unqualified staff manages the school libraries. Which revealed the various libraries' staff strength, it can be deduced that all the libraries under investigation are understaffed; Human resources in libraries contribute to the standards of that particular library. This research revealed that all the schools visited are under stocked with library materials. A majority of the schools visited in Benin City have outdated books which are very dusty, where they existed. It is very unfortunate that most of our school libraries in Benin City are staffed by unqualified staff and non-librarians, which fall short of minimum standard of a school library. Emmanuel E. Baro said that only a few library schools offer the course information literacy as a stand-alone course in their curricula. His survey entitled “A survey of information literacy education in library schools in Africa”. Results from the study revealed that, presently, only a few library schools offer the course IL as a stand-alone course in their curricula. Many library schools have not yet incorporated “IL” as a stand-alone course in their LIS curricula; rather, it is briefly discussed as a topic in related courses. Although not all the library schools in Africa were examined due to language barrier, more than 60 library schools were investigated, among