How Different was English Christianity in the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) from that of the childhood of Roger Martyn (born c.1527)?

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This report will compare and contrast how different English Christianity was in the reign of Elizabeth I to the childhood of Roger Martyn. Roger Martyn was a local gentleman who gave a detailed account of his childhood and how Christianity was greatly practiced.

Through various time periods of English history, English Christianity differed tremendously. The basic beliefs of Christianity are that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human; humankind is inherently sinful, signifying estrangement from God as well as moral wrongdoing. Jesus, the sinless Son of God is the essential means of reconciliation between God and humankind, Jesus’ teachings, recorded in the New Testament, have unique spiritual and moral authority. Following Jesus’
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By 1549 Thomas Cranmer had compiled a new protestant order of service and in 1552 this order was revised in a more forceful way which saw that Catholicism was stamped out.
When Mary the first established control after her half brother passed away she imposed Catholicism was bought back as the Christian tradition, she however faced obstacles from a minor number of protestant believers.
Evidence has shown that the lead up to Queen Elizabeth’s reign Protestantism was the favoured practice of Christianity. Christianity was passed back and forth from Catholicism to Protestantism from the childhood of Roger Martyn through to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Queen Elizabeth was a convinced Protestant, so naturally enforced their traditions on her subjects whereas during Roger Martyns childhood Catholicism was the favoured practise of Christianity. When comparing Protestantism with Catholicism over the two time periods of Roger Martyns childhood and through Queen Elizabeth’s reign, it should be noted that although Queen Elizabeth was a devout protestant she kept many traditions such as the hierarchy of bishops which proves to be a catholic practice rather than protestant.
In conclusion it can be argued that although the two periods did not share the same way in worshipping Christianity, one was of protestant nature and the other of catholic nature, both periods did share some common ground. Due to the turbulent times before Queen Elizabeth’s reign, she seemed to be of a
