Volkswagen of America: Managing It Priorities

1586 words 7 pages
To: From: Date: Subject:

Dr. Uwe Matulovic Bianca Fassnacht November 27, 2007 Volkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities

Comment [MLW1]: Great job, Bianca. With your permission I would like to use this as an example for future students. GRADE: 100%

This recommends helping the business unit executive for supply flow to make an argument for funding the yet unfunded supply flow project from alternative sources and to strengthen the executive’s position in doing so. Implementation of this exception-handling process will take place within 5 days of approval. As a result, the most important strategic goals of VWoA will still remain in focus and the new prioritization process will not have to be reopened. Thus, resistance and fighting
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Exhibit 1 – Options Grid

Option 1 Description of Option Reopen the new prioritization process

Option 2 Try to take funding for the yet unfunded “supply chain management project” (SCM project) from other funded projects, without reopen the prioritization process Not recommended as this procedure would challenge the merit of the new prioritization process and could lead to resistance from business unit executives against this new process; also combined with a lot of work Moves away from the first ranked goal “customer loyalty”; emphasizes the last ranked strategic


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