Abercrombie & Fitch Case Study
Abercrombie & Fitch is one of the leading clothing companies in the world. They manufacture
and sell apparel that target the 18-24 year old demographic who represent the “All-American
Look.” Many people argue about the definition of what is “All-American,” since the United
States continues to evolve and include many different cultures and races. Abercrombie & Fitch
has been successful for over 100 years, but recently has come under constant scrutiny about its
hiring practices.
Company Overview
Abercrombie & Co. was founded by David Abercrombie on June 4, 1892. In 1900, Ezra Fitch
joined the company and it then became known as Abercrombie & Fitch. Since the very …show more content…
Uniform Lawsuit
In 2002, several Abercrombie & Fitch employees complained and filed a lawsuit stating that they
were forced to buy and wear the company’s clothing when at work. In a settlement, Abercrombie
& Fitch agreed to pay $2.2 million to 11,000 workers employed from January 1, 1999 to
February 15, 2002. Each employee was awarded $200 to $490. This settlement was the first of
its kind, and today, workers at any Abercrombie & Fitch run store is only required to wear
clothing that reflects the look of the company.
Asian Boycott
In 2002, Asian Americans refused to buy clothing at Abercrombie & Fitch because of a
controversial line of t-shirts. Earlier that year, the clothing company printed t-shirts that had,
what some claimed, racist slogans. One shirt in particular had a cartoon of two Asian men and
the words “Wong Brothers Laundry Service. Two Wongs Can Make It White.”That is just one
example of many controversial Asian t-shirts. Abercrombie & Fitch sales suffered because Asian
Americans boycotted the store. The t-shirts were eventually pulled off the shelves.
West Virginia Controversy
In 2004, Abercrombie & Fitch began selling a t-shirt with the slogan, “Its All Relative in West
Virginia.” Shortly after the release, Governor Bob Wise sent a letter to the company asking them
to remove the