Apple Marketing Portfolio: Mac Computers
There ability to innovate with and appeal to the times and social demands of computer purchasers within the new and old generations is outstanding, and they have gained a lot of support and admiration in this sector, the social environment is certainly a friend to Apple. Technological Environment: One may confidently say that Apple has spent a lot of money and resources in being an adequate player in the uncontrollable technological environment. Being that they are the computer company that invests the most in research and development, and technological advances and innovations, they usually acquire the best the field has to offer, and successfully avoid or reject whatever bad opportunities may arise or cause conflict. There ability to scope through their technological environment, and benefit and control all the top technologies, is another outstanding strength in Apple’s business practices. Economic Environment: In the economical environment they are, like all products, susceptible to a decline in sales during economic recession, but in its niche of wealthy people, it is not as susceptible as PC’s perhaps are. The wealthy will generally always have the spending power they need to buy whatever computer they please, and if Mac continues to advertise and niche the way it does it has a better chance of fighting economic fluctuation than