Aviation Flight School
Mark G. Losee
Utah Valley State College
The research focused on the ways in which flight schools can provide a specialized training format that satisfies goals for both professional and recreational pilots. These are unique ways in which, flight schools can achieve flight instruction for students by providing a strong training format that meets the individuals needs. Offering practical and theoretical skills to the students, and ensuring professional instructors. Also the use of modern facilities and equipment for teaching students; with a strong emphasis for FAA standards during all phases of instruction. These are some ideas flight schools should adopt in …show more content…
Not just of students for the flight school, but primarily the student’s knowledge. (J. Gifford, personal communication, April 7, 2008)
Emphasis on FAA Standards
“The flight school falls under a variety of Federal Aviation Regulations…FAR Part 91 is the basic set of regulations for general flight operations. In addition to that, flight training can be conducted under FAR Part 61, the regulation for flight training or under a combination of FAR Part 61 and 141.” (Vincent, 2008)
Flight schools are divided into FAA-approved (part 141) and non-approved (part 61) they are usually divided based on the regulations under which they operate. FAA-approved schools “voluntarily submit their procedures and training to a higher standard of curriculum use, regulation and paperwork in exchange for lower hour requirements prior to a student receiving a flight certificate or rating.” (Vincent, 2008) Also they are periodically audited, this is done to ensure that they follow the laid down training format. Have detailed FAA certified course outlines, the course outlines are detailed and certified to ensure that what is covered in one aviation institution is covered in all other schools. It must meet trainee pilot performance rates to maintain certification. While non-approved (part 61) schools do not have similar requirements, they cater for students who need more flexibility with lesson content and scheduling. (Flight Training, 2004)