Counselling Skills
During the session I noticed I demonstrated a hair stroking gesture. According to Eunson (2008) the hair stroking gesture is a shorthand way of showing insecurity. I felt that I was feeling a bit nervous at the beginning of the session only due to the recording taking place. I need to be self aware about how I come across to the speaker and how the speaker interprets my non verbal behaviour (Brems, 2001). For future reference, to allow the speaker to discern easily, I need to decrease hand gestures. Moreover, I found when I was communicating verbally I would use an insecure expression such as “umm...” a number of times during the session. I was a little nervous at the beginning; however as the session progressed my use of that expression did decrease demonstrating I was feeling more confident in what I was saying and through the positive responses from my client. In time and through experience, this feeling will pass as I grow and develop, however I will need to hide my feelings so I can build a stronger relationship with my client.
In addition, I found I made use of open ended questions throughout the session. Open ended questions explore the clients issue in greater depth (Hough, 1998). I demonstrated this when I asked “What is it that makes you feel that you can’t do it?” My client was then able to explore her