DMD Case Analysis

3586 words 15 pages

General Information
15.060: Data, Models, and Decisions
Professors Vivek Farias, Robert Freund, and Cynthia Rudin
Fall 2012



Many managerial decisions—regardless of their functional orientation—are increasingly based on analysis using quantitative models from the discipline of management science. Management science tools, techniques and concepts (e.g., data, models, and software programs) have dramatically changed the way businesses operate in manufacturing, service operations, marketing, transportation, and finance. This subject is designed to introduce first-year Sloan students to the fundamental techniques of using data to make informed management decisions.
In particular, we will focus on
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All written assignments will be graded and returned to you.
Team Work


There are three types of assignments: (i) team cases (these should be done as a team and you only need to hand in one write-up per team), (ii) individual homeworks and (iii) case write-ups
(the latter two need to be done individually). Nevertheless, even for (ii) and (iii), you may find it useful to discuss broad conceptual issues and general solution procedures with others. If this is the case, then we enthusiastically recommend that you do so. The objective here is to learn. In our opinion (and personal experiences), the material of this class is best learned through individual practice and exposure to a variety of application contexts. The syllabus specifies clearly which of the assignments are team cases.
On the first type of assignment (team case) we want you to work as a team. On the two other types of assignments we only allow "Type 1 collaboration". This means that collaboration is allowed, but the final product must be individual. You are allowed to discuss the assignment with other team members and work through the problems together. What you turn in, however, must be your own product, written in your own handwriting, or in a computer file of which you are the sole author. Copying another's work or electronic file is not acceptable.


Class Participation and Conduct


Your class participation will be


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