Finding the Leader in You
In today’s society, the expectations of companies are to improve business resources. The objective is to develop business practices and increase productivity. Organizational Behavior is the ways in which people behave, individually and collectively, when working together in organization. (Law, 2009). To do this we study the psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science aspects of people. We must remember that the most important factor in Organizational Behavior is the people. People and their …show more content…
The Maryland facility was the third Ecomm building that we opened, so all associates except a few upper management that transferred from the Ohio facility. Therefore, everyone was new hires to the company. The entire management team including myself was overwhelmed. I thought I did not forget any tasks assigned to me but I was truly mistaken when certain instances were addressed. This has helped me effectively plan my day. I now feel that constructive criticism is crucial to bringing the hidden and blind areas of a person to the open area of the four pains that create a good leader and manager.
Law, J. (2009). A Dictionary of Business Mangement (5th ed.) Luft, J., Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics, 2nd Edition, Palo Alto, California, National Press Books, 1970
Self-Assessment Score Sheet
Directions: Complete the following self-assessments: A Twenty-First-Century Manager, “TT” Leadership Style, Intuitive Ability, Conflict Management Strategies, Time Management Profile, Organizational Design Preference, and Which Culture Fits You?” These self-assessments are located in Week 1 of your course shell. Read the scoring narrative provided at the end each self-assessment and