Group 1 Bee Sting Final Fall 2014

2869 words 12 pages
BIOL 2010, Anatomy and Physiology I
Group 1
Tammy Bohanan, Hannah Thompson, and Hannah Grigsby
Bee Sting,
Fall 2014

The Case: It’s a warm Fourth of July and you are walking across the park to your favorite picnic spot. You are allergic to and highly phobic about bee stings. While walking, you hear a buzzing sound to your right. You turn your head and see a large bee hovering over your right shoulder. You reach with your left hand to swat the bee, but just as you make contact, it stings you anyway. You notice that you are sweating and your skin turns red. You realize that your Epi-pen was left in the car, so you panic and begin sprinting back to the car to get it.’

The Assignment: Name and describe all of the
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You then begin to visually see your worst nightmare. It begins with receptions as the eye receives incoming light from the external environment and the focuses it onto the retina. Once the retina receives it the image of the visual stimulus is captured and the photoreceptors within the retina begin to detect the image. Transduction then occurs as the photoreceptors change the light into signals, which can travel along the optic never to the brain, where the information can then be processed. At the same time, the process of transmission also occurs, as the information from the electric impulses that travel from the optic never to the brain carries the visual information from the retina to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain. It is then organized and interpreted into the image we see, which, in this case, would be the bee threatening us.

4. (11 points) Move your left hand to swat the bee
(Create a table* that describes which muscles move which bones across which joints under the control of which nerves) limit your discussion to the movement at the shoulder and elbow only (do not include any un-needed muscles nor discuss the movement at any other joints)
First Action:

(Anatomical Description)
Medial rotation and Adduction of humerus at the shoulder
English: Moving arm to the right in front of your body towards
