Impact of the Spanish Conquest on the Aztecs.

1450 words 6 pages
The Aztecs, part of modern day Mexico, were once the epitome of fine culture. They began their rule of southern and central Mexico during the 14th century and practiced an incredibly wealthy lifestyle. Nonetheless, this rule began to deteriorate when Spanish explorers disembarked at Tabasco and Vera Cruz on April 21st 1519. When the Spanish voyagers first arrived, they were welcomed warmly, respectfully and received Godlike treatment. Montezuma, the ruler at that time, believed that the Spanish military leader, Hernán Cortés, was the great god Quetzalcoatl. The Spanish took advantage of this Aztec belief and conquered Mexico within two years. By 1521, the Aztec culture was officially eradicated and a new culture, consisting of a …show more content…

Eventually, the Aztecs became accustomed to the foreign substances and accepted them as part of their daily life. The Spaniards had brought in domestic animals such as horses, sheep, cattle and pigs, along with sugar, grains, and fruits. In return, the Spanish took back tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and beans to Europe. Dietary changes were evident for the Aztecs as more nutrients were found in the items the Spaniards had transported to Mexico. The impact of the provisions taken from Mexico back to Europe was massive because the whole of Europe benefited from them. It is apparent that tomatoes were best used under the hands of the Italians. Pizzas, pasta sauces and more were created by the Europeans only after tomatoes were introduced in the 16th century.
Not only do the Aztecs and the Spaniard now have food in common, but their linguistics were similar as well. The Aztec language, Nahuatl, had sustained even after the conquest, which allowed for books and manuscripts to be written in this language. When the Spanish had settled in Mexico, the priests learned and preached in Nahuatl, encouraging people to speak it. As a consequence, Nahuatl words were incorporated in the Spanish language spoken in Mexico. The Nahuatl language has words that have also spread into the English language; the most prominent examples are tomatl, chilli, and ahuaca-molli – tomato, chilli, and guacamole. Despite


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