Lack of Communication in a Relationship
Relationships grow along with additional members, therefore, you have to engage in family activities and do household chores together. Everyone communicates with one another whether it is through face-to-face communication, sign language, or through mediated, communication. Being able to communicate with the right choice of words, and tone is what makes a person a great communicator. Effective communication helps other people to get to know who we are and what we need or want from the person we are communicating. If we master communication, we would be able to communicate to the people we are close with without hurting their feelings or having our statements sound insulting. In a relationship, having effective communication between one another is extremely important in order for a healthy relationship to thrive. Without effective communication, the relationship would not have a strong base. When communicating effectively with loved ones, it is easier to overcome problems between each other. Effective communication also plays an important role between a parent and their children. According to Deborah Tannen, “when sincere attempts to communicate end in stalemate, and beloved partner seems irrational and obstinate, the different languages men and women speak can shake the foundations of our lives” (298). In a relationship, communication is vital, and promoting effective communication in a relationship begins with the ability to listen. Listening is a