Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor

877 words 4 pages
Garrett Hardin, biologist from Stanford, used the metaphor of Earth being a “spaceship” persuading other countries, industries and people to stop polluting and washing natural resources of the world. He illustrates that the “spaceship” is represented by the wealthy countries, and the natural resources are represented as the poorer countries of the world. The wealthy people of the world have all the resources they need to survive and more, while other hand the poorer countries are unfortunate. Their rations are broken up into smaller and smaller portions because of their growing population and it lessens the resources to everyone of that country. Hardin's argument is based on sharing. He proposes that the bigger countries should share what …show more content…

In conclusion, the population rate in the poor increase faster than the rich which means there are way more poor people than rich. As a result of helping the poor a world food bank was created. A world food bank is an international depository of food reserves to which nations would contribute according to their abilities and form which they would draw according to their needs. “Besides, any system of “sharing” the amounts to foreign aid from the rich nations to the poor nations will carry the taint of charity, which will contribute little to the world peace so devoutly desired by those who support the idea of a world bank” (419). Sharing amongst the nations shows charity towards each other and in the future the favor may be repaid one day. “To be generous with one's own possessions is quite different from being generous with those of posterity. We should call this point to the attention of those who, from a commendable love of justice and equality, would institute a system of the commons..” (423). In this statement being generous in different from giving from the heart that giving for one's credibility. In this article, “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor”, Garrett Hardin argues to expose the world's poverty in the form of a lifeboat by using the “lifeboat” metaphor, giving logical evidence, and using food banks to give the world an input on the poverty that continues in the


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