Looking Like the Enemy
1. Why are interned Japanese Americans referred to as the “silent generation” (p.x)?
They were referred to as the silent generation because many of them did not speak about their experiences to anyone, not even their children after their times in imprisonment. They were a silent generation.
2. What were the specific challenges Gruenewald and other interned Japanese Americans faced in “camp” life? How did individuals and families adapt to these changes?
Camp life for Gruenewald and the others in the interment camps in California was hot, with bad food, and absolutely no privacy. Their showers were in one …show more content…
5. How does Gruenewald characterize the legacies of her experiences in internment camps? Gruenewald writes about the importance of her leaving a legacy for future generations, and the special way she will leave her legacy. Her son and her planted a “forever forest” on five acres of the land that her family had farmed for over 50 years. This she sees as her legacy to live on after her.
6. What kind of prejudice did Japanese Americans face outside the internment camps?
Japanese were still segregated; there was a plaguing anti Japanese hostility that they were faced with every day. Some were forced to depart and battle in military to get out of the internment camps, while many women were forced to support the military whether in nursing like Gruenewald. Throughout all the struggles within the internment camps their were definitely struggles with being outside of them as well. If they were to leave the interment camps, the Japanese could not live in specific states that the government entailed, majority being the west coast. They couldn’t go home, but they no longer had to stay there. There circumstances were miserable both ways. Furthermore, many were forced to fight in a country that was keeping their own families imprisoned.
7. How have her views of her experience shifted over time? What does this book tell us about