Participating in team sports helps to develop good character

1160 words 5 pages
Do team sports really help to develop good character? Do you agree or not? Well, that seems to be an interesting question. A vast number of people will agree with this statement, while others have so many conflicts regarding about this. I believe that there are ways numbers of merits comparable to demerits. Participating means engaging or taking part in an activity. The word TEAM can be expressed to mean Together Everyone Achieves More. Character defines what a person is, how a person interacts with others. Even the good character involves courage, honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, fairness, self-control and prudence. Scholars define character as an individual’s internal state that manifests itself in one’s behavior. …show more content…

It teaches you to have the patience as you have to share everything with your teammates. Despite of this team sports would not create a good friendship society as everyone wants to win at the sport. Adults or any age of people would have keen to challenge with others. As a consequence lot of issues will arise. Moreover team sports can improve the life of so many people. Participating in team sports helps to develop marvellous character in different ways. When you are playing sports you interact with different types of people with different attitudes. While participating with these types of people you grow in a character and personality. You will have a golden chance, to learn how to deal with different types of people while participating in sports and you may get more mature. Some people disagree and they claim that, meeting different types of people might be the reason for losing your own personality. As they say that being an individual is better than that person do not have to depend on anyone. Even that’s not vital to deal with different types of people as that would not give any benefits to you. That would be wastage of time. One of the sports expert expressed his views, regarding about team sport helps to develop good character. He mentions on his research that the person who stands alone compare in teams will have to suffer all the pains alone. Once you are in a team you do not have to worry your teammates will stand on your


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