Play as a Framework for Learning
Play is an important factor in our children’s lives. Through play children learn many different things in life. ‘Play is seen as a positive impact in children’s learning, and play-based curriculums are advocated as one of the best approaches to children’s learning across the early years’ (Nixon & Gould, 2002).
Children develop at different paces and a very high proportion of what they learn takes place in the first five to seven years of life. What happens in the home is extremely …show more content…
When children are observed, it is possible to see how each child learns and what they are interested in learning. It is also possible to assess children’s needs, and see how individual children relate to other people. Observations can also show how children use their bodies and how they play with particular equipment and resources (Penrose, 2000).
Teachers can support children’s play (as an individual or in groups) within a number of areas in the early childhood setting such as: physical, explorative, sensory, creative and risk-taking. All of these play experiences can take place in both indoor and outdoor environments. (Study guide).
The curriculum is founded on the following aspirations for children: “to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society” (MoE, 1996, p. 9).
Piaget believed that children learn through the process of actively engaging with their world (Faragher & MacNaughton (1996). Parents in particular are pleased when they see their children’s work their child is doing and are impressed with the amount of work their child takes home. As I was reading the study guide I came across “Open Ended Questions”. Whydo we use open ended questions? As a teacher I think it is to get a better understanding of the