Principles of Personal Development in Adult Social Care Settings
UNIT 2 - PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In this assignment, you will look at the importance of reflective practice in adult social care. You will explore how reflective practice can improve your development and practice and contribute to the quality of service provision You will also look at the process of planning development, and the importance of feedback and reflect on how your values, belief systems may affect your practice. TASKS There are three tasks to this assignment. TASK 1 2 3 TASK 1 You are going to be a mentor for a new social care worker as part of their induction process. Part of your role is to help them prepare for the review after …show more content…
People who can help you identify your knowledge and understanding in the care sector, can be your manager or supervisor within your employment. They can help you identify which areas need to be improved, and what help is available. Also you can find out about things to help you with your knowledge from other health care professionals, who come and visit my place of work. As well as this you can also work with your colleges, and ask them about their knowledge on a pacific topic, and work with them as a team to get more information.
Health and Social Care
5. Explain how the people identified above can help you appreciate your strengths and areas for development.
within my work place we have every six months an appraisal, this is to go through how I am feeling, if I have any issues, and what I would like to develop in. Also this is a great time to sit with your manager and discuss your weaknesses, and other areas you feel you could work on. My manager will tell me if I need more training and also what training is coming up and if I would be interested. We also discuss my targets and what help and support there is available to me. We then write it down on my pdp, with the target dates on this, to review on our next meeting.
TASK 3 1. Describe how your own values, beliefs and personal experiences might affect your working practice.
In any work place, you have to work with other