Professional Issues - Legislation

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Professional Issues - LegislationCandidates can bring to the assessment event any notes, textbooks, handouts or other material according to centre rules. 1 As Network Manager you are asked to check out the e-mail traffic of a member of staff. What are the key points of legislation that you should consider before taking action? As a network manager, when asked to check email traffic of a member of staff, the key points of legislation top consider are the Data Protection Act (1998) is designed to protect personal data which may be contained in the emails to be accessed, so it should be considered when accessing emails. The Telecommunications Act may should be considered as it makes it illegal for messages sent that are grossly
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As an IT Manager tasked with emailing regarding the use of copied software I would detail The Copyright, Design & Patents Act (1988). When related to IT this act covers the illegal copying of software including operating systems, games, music and videos. Companies and Individuals are required to register data and designs which in turn gives them ownership of the product making it illegal for anyone to copy it. The act provides a system of protection for original material.5 You are responsible for setting up a small contact centre within your organisation. It is anticipated that some of the staff may have particular, additional support needs. What key legislation and points would you have to ensure that you have conformed with?When setting up a contact centre within an organisation the legislation that should be considered is the Disability Discrimination Act. This legislation can have an impact in a number of areas including making it an obligation to provides special input-output devices such as braille keyboards and voice output devices, and providing assistance software such as screen readers and voice


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