Slavery in the North Failed Because of Its Economic Structure
Immigrants came to America in search of religious and economic freedom. Number of immigrants to Northern cities were larger than in the South. The total number of immigrants that came to American ports from 1846-1855 was 796,000. Sixty-eight-percent of these immigrants came to New York City. There were 553,000 immigrants to New York City, 55,000 to Boston, 32,000 to Philadelphia, 23,000 to Baltimore and 94,000 to New Orleans (Immigrants Entering American Ports) . These ports and cities drew immigrants because there were more job opportunities. Due to this surplus in laborers, there was less of a need for slaves. It made more sense to pay immigrants than to have to feed and house the workers (Bankston & Hidalgo, 2006) . Slavery was smaller in the North because slave laborer was not a necessity. African Americans played different roles in the North, they were treated differently by whites and free African Americans and immigration in the North played a role in the lack of need for slavery.
The smaller slave population and less need for slavery in the North led the North to abolish slavery before the South: It was easier for the North to