The Concept of Ethical Obligation
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6 pages
The concept of ethical obligationGEORGE Tenet and the Last Great Days of the CIA
PADM 500: Modern Public Administration
Identify four (4) cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and assess their impact on his leadership abilities.
During George Tenet tenure as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, there were several ethical dilemmas he faced, among which most significantly were the violations of national and international human right policies. George Tenet was also faced with the ethical dilemma of being straightforward to the people he worked with, especially his field officers, and most essentially the nation as at large. He knew all along that the statements about Saddam …show more content…
These strategies were used to guarantee that all the corporate activities were legal, ethical, and fitted within all the approved supervisory guidelines and policies. Ethic strategies are used to provide directions to ensure that developments are ongoing both for individual and organizational image which are designed to be accomplished through the ethics programs and training of employees. Ethics strategies are also used as a means for monitoring and regulating organizational activities, this methodology helps minimize both rate of legal and ethical violations. And in instances where ethical programs are not in place, individual board members are held accountable for ethical gaps.
These strategies were used to ensure that all the corporate activities were legal, ethical, and fitted within all the approved regulatory guidelines and policies. Ethic strategies are used to provide directions to ensure that developments are ongoing both for individual and organizational image which are designed to be accomplished through the ethics programs and training of employees. Ethics strategies is also used as a means for monitoring and policing organizational activities, as this approach helps minimize both rate of legal and ethical violations. And in instances where ethical programs are not