Unit 313. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Dementia Care and Practice.
3327 words
14 pages
PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE RECORDQCF Unit …313………………………………………………………………….
Candidate Name …………………………………………………………
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|Unit |Assessment |Performance Evidence |
| |criteria | |
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| | |Younger people with dementia may have different needs to people aged over 65 requiring a different type of |
| | |service or a response appropriate to their age. In general, younger people with dementia are more likely to: |
| | |Be in work at the time of diagnosis |
| | |Have dependent children |
| | |Have heavy financial commitments such as paying a mortgage |
| | |Have a rarer form of dementia with which professionals are less familiar |
| | |Find it difficult to rationalise losing skills at such a young age |
| | |Find it more difficult to access appropriate information and support. |
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