Project Management

877 words 4 pages
1. Crashing tasks on a project can reduce project duration. It is also one of the Project Balancing techniques we discussed. Identify the balancing techniques at each level that should be applied by BAE’s management to improve the probability of success of its BHS project. Justify the use of the technique in both in project management and business terms.

2. Describe the estimating techniques that should be used to schedule the “Building the Shed” project. Explain why you’ve chosen them. When building the shed,

3. What should Strider have done to better manage project risks, by applying the methods and techniques described in our text?

4. Why is scheduling overtime a popular
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He asks that you follow the six steps in the Project Risk Management figure (Figure 5.2) in the third edition of the textbook, in the top three boxes: Identify Risks, Analyze and Prioritize, and Develop Response Plans. (See graphic below)

9. AtekPC: CIO Strider bought copies of The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management (3rd edition) and started reading the chapter “Solving Common Project Problems”.

a. Which of the “problems” does the PMO effort for AtekPC have?

Responsibility beyond your authority – p372
Disaster recovery
Reducing time to market
When customer delays the project
The impossible dream
Fighting fires

b. Using the facts and your inferences from the case, describe what specific techniques, methods, heuristics, documents, strategies, etc. they should use for each of the project management problems they have.

Responsibility beyond your authority
Use charter
Stmt of work
Commun pl
Small work packages with strong completion criteria
Network diagram
Project status meetings with an open task report

Disaster recovery
Stmt of work
Project plan
Work package estimates
Project status meetings

Reducing time to market
Stmt of work
Fixed-phase estimating
Project plan
Completion criteria
Project status meetings

When customer delays the project


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