Training Evaluation
Level 2: Learning
Just because we know that participants like our training, doesn't mean that they've learned anything. We need to determine whether they learned something.
Level 2 evaluations can be used to determine if learning occurred. This information is good for three primary reasons:
Does the participant have the required skill and knowledge? These level 2 evaluations are also known as summative tests or certification exams.
Where does the participant require remediation or additional development? These level 2 evaluations are known as formative tests or developmental evaluations.
How can the training be improved? Sometimes that absence of learning indicated in level 2 evaluations is because of the teaching style or the materials. Level 2 assessments can tell you WHAT needs attention; and with time and analysis, can tell you WHY some participants are picking up the content and others aren't.
Tips to using level 2 evaluations effectively: * Determine the purpose: Why are you evaluating the learning? Who needs to know (students, managers, the instructor)? Why (improve the training, hire/fire/promote, give participants a gauge)? * Link tests to performance: If participants need to know something, design the test to measure knowledge (multiple choice, true-false, essay, matching, short-answer). If participants need to do something, design behavioral evaluations (i.e., role plays or demonstrations) with a measurement instrument