The F Word
In “The F Word” written by Firoozeh Dumas an excerpt from her autobiography titled Funny in Farsi, she talks about her struggles living in America from having a very different name, to not understanding English very well. Dumas uses examples from her childhood and all throughout her life to explain why she feels Americans are ignorant to new and different things. The author would like her audience to be aware of other cultures, and their names and lifestyles. She feels Americans were not open to accept her culture and difference, and instead of embracing it, they made fun and insulted what they were unsure of. Based on the simplicity of words she uses, the mild tempered language she includes, and how relatable her …show more content…
Being more accepted allowed her to see the darker side of many people, the hatred they harbor. She was not letting them into her world, they were letting her into theirs. In this day and age, graduating from college does not always guarantee a job. But around the time she graduated college, somewhere in the 1980s, graduating college would have been a much bigger deal, especially graduating from UC Berkeley. Even with her high level of education, Firoozeh Dumas was encountering difficulties obtaining a job, which obviously was not caused by her education. The fact that she was overlooked because of her name may sound outrageous, but the farther back in time you go, the less accepting everyone was to change or anything different. As soon as she began using her American name for her jobs, offers began rolling in, surely using a different name can’t possibly mean that Julie is a better candidate then Firoozeh, can it? In an online internet source (, it states that Firoozehs book was intended as a gift for her children. Based upon this, and her cynical sense of humor, vocabulary and themes, this leads to believe that this book was meant for older children, perhaps 10 and up. There are vague